Sunday, March 11, 2007

30 56 74 83 293 38

Hello everyone. I"m still here, still sitting and walking and driving and cooking and eating and breathing. I've been working 5 days a week lately. It's great though, somehow I get pleasure out of working at a place like Kelly's restaurant. it's so simple, just give people things they want and be an actor. It's really fun sometimes and I just crack up laughing at things that are really amusing. Here is a video I made. Brad and Eric came back up to the Northwest recently and I'm glad to see them again. love tyker, Tyhler. Tyler.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dearest tyker, tyler.
video tanoshikattayo-, arigato-
anone anone, i was so pleased to watsh you, eric, and brad on videeeeo. i got sick, and no energy today, but i got some form your video. im too tired.Lately i am taking leader ship at my work.... good, and tired, stressful. it will be alright. soon. miss u terribly. what we can do for this?? naoko

3:29 PM  
Blogger Krista said...

man that's funny. miss your stylish hair and long luscious legs. say hi to the crem crew for me.


3:14 AM  
Blogger sandylew said...

I want to hear that song - from beginning to end. I want a performance! Please!

1:57 PM  
Blogger Lydia said...

and I, who haven't watched the vid yet, want to know what the numbers mean....? Maybe the video will illuminate.

11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tyler!!! update your blog!! pls,

10:25 PM  

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